1/35 Bronco Models Scale Piper Cub L-4H: Rosie The Rocketer

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1/35 Bronco Models Scale Piper Cub L-4H: Rosie The Rocketer

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Shortly after the landing of the Normandy landing in early June 1944, the commander of the private car of the United States Fourth Armored Division, General John Hustle, Army Major Charlie Cabenta discovered that he was driving the “Little Flute Player” L4. (0-59) The light contactor/observer is very flexible and light, and it has little noise. I have time to think that if I can install anti-tank rockets used by infantry on both sides of the wing, I can turn into a’tank killer’. He was subsequently assisted by ground crew and successfully converted this small aircraft into an effective attack aircraft. Major Charlie named the tank killer aircraft’Rocket Rose’. Major Charlie drove this machine to carry out his hunting operations during his spare time. The field reporter learned of his behavior and made extensive reports for him, so Major Charlie became a field hero overnight. Later, Major Charlie increased the rockets on each side of the wing to three on each side to increase the firepower of the aircraft. Until the end of the battle, a total of five German tanks and countless other military vehicles were destroyed.